Queen’s Parade of Boats

Now is the time to look back with some pleasure to the Parade we all put on last Saturday.

The day, and what was achieved, was beyond my greatest hopes and you should all know that you have made one old man very happy ! Right from the start, from your responses to my e-mails to the amazing sight of the whole fleet in Wembury Bay, I knew it was going to be good.

Thank you all for your great efforts with the boat dressing and the lovely themes and tableaux which were presented to our “Queen” for her delight. I thought she was a great sport to come out on the water all dressed up for a garden party, not to mention her insistence upon going to the Club for lunch afterwards. Well done Sue, what an act ! Happily she, and most of you appeared on national TV yesterday.

The prizes were awarded as follows:

Blue Star……………….Peter Court-Hampton
Snapper…………………Paul Francombe
Pyrus……………………Chris Seth-Ward & Ukulele Band.

But all looked magnificent and the choice was very hard.

Newton and Noss put on one of the best shows of the weekend and you were all part of it. How lucky we are !

Best Wishes,
Peter Taylor